Thrilling battles expected for the last round of QSTK66 and QTCC this weekend
Thrilling battles expected for the last round of QSTK66 and QTCC this weekend
  • 13th March, 2020

Thrilling battles expected for the last round of QSTK66 and QTCC this weekend


Al Sulaiti is leading the Qatar Superstock 600 championship only by six points ahead of Al Qubaisi

The fifth and last round of Qatar Superstock 600 (QSTK600) and Qatar Touring Car Championship (QTCC) will take place this weekend, 13th and 14th March at the Lusail International Circuit.

The championship title for the QSTK600 will be decided this weekend between Saeed Al Sulaiti, Abdulla Al Qubaisi and Mishal Al Naimi.

Al Sulaiti is leading the championship with 169 points, only six points ahead of Al Qubaisi, who has 163 points. Al Naimi has less chances to get the title as he has 142 points.

Al Sulaiti, the defendant and three times QSTK600 Champion is looking forward for this weekend ‘I am very excited for the last round, for sure it is going to be full of action as always. Again, this season, the championship will be decided in the last round and I am sure that everybody will push and give a great show for everyone.  In the end of the day, everybody is a winner, this championship is great and we can see that all the riders are improving and pushing a lot’ mentioned the defending QSTK600 champion.

‘Last round was not as I expected and I lost valuable points for the championship. From the last round, I have trained hard to reach this last round well prepared and fight for the title’ said Al Qubaisi.

In the Trophy category, although the title is also not decided, there is an important gap between Jeremy Parola and Rayad Al Emadi as the French rider is 30 points ahead of Al Emadi, so Parola has high chances to clinch the championship.

For the Qatar Touring Car Championship, in the QTCC 2K category, Ghanim Al Maadheed is leading with 108 points in front of Ibrahim Al Abdulghani who is second with 89 points. Nasser Al Ahbabi is third with 67 points.

 ‘In the last two rounds, the car was very good and didn’t have any issue so hopefully, all remains the same and I can get good results in both races and take the QTCC 2K championship title’ said Al Maadheed.

For the QTCC M240 category, three drivers are fighting for the title, Hamad Al Sulaiti, Abdulla Al Khelaifi and Nasser Saadon Al Kuwari. Al Sulaiti is leading with 82 points, followed by Al Khelaifi with 74 points and Al Kuwari with 64 points.

The leader of the championship, Al Sulaiti knows that this weekend will be very tough ‘This round will be the hardest one of the whole championships because three of us are very close with the points. I am leading the championship only by 8 points and if I don’t get good results I can lose the championship but I will push very hard this weekend and do my best’ commented Al Sulaiti.

Al Khelaifi is very excited to be back racing after the break ‘Technical issues and race retirements costed me a lot this season and to come back on top, a miracle has to happen since winning both races will not be enough if Hamad still finishes behind me. At the end this is racing and everything can happen. Important thing is to stay focused and to give it all. In general, very happy with the close competition and the increased cars on grid this season’ said Al Khelaifi.

Qatar Superstock 600 and Qatar Touring Car Championship are organized by Lusail Circuit Sports Club and Qatar Motor and Motorcycle Federation.